Discovering issues and commencing correct treatment in good time is essential to ensuring complete recovery. It may be due to an onset of a detached retina or another type of eye disease that could cause more serious issues in the future and as such it is vital to treat it without delay. Should you register any issue pertaining your eyes that comes around out of the blue or is very intensive and affects the quality of your sight significantly, then you ought to have it looked at by a specialist as soon s possible. Is it necessary to seek medical attention? Vitreous humour opacities may appear also as a result of an accident, eye infection or laser eye treatment in cases with secondary cataract. People suffering from short-sightedness are usually more prone to these because greater strain is exerted on the vitreous humour. It is a completely natural physiological phenomenon which comes about mostly due to ageing. The vitreous humour opacities while being unpleasant are normally harmless and there is no need to seek out medical attention.

These miniscule shapes swim in the fluid part of the vitreous humour and with movement they cast shadows onto the retina which we then perceive as the above-mentioned annoying spots and smudges in front of our eyes. This is precisely what we refer to as vitreous humour opacities. It becomes less dense and the collagen fibres within congeal, rip apart and may form into tiny jelly-like clusters. With age the vitreous humour also shows signs of ageing and degeneration. It is naturally clear to enable clear vision.ĭegeneration of the vitreous humour and the appearance of vitreous humour opacities The vitreous humour is what keeps the shape of the eye and maintains the intraocular pressure while all visual information passes through it. This is a clear jelly-like matter with thin fibrous structure that fills out the eye cavity in-between the lens and the retina. In most cases these are entirely harmless although they can be very annoying. Most likely you have what is called vitreous humour opacities. These irregular shapes that swim around within your field of vision aren`t an optical illusion. Have you ever noticed dark spots, smudges, shadows, fibres, or bits of cobweb before your eyes? It may feel as though something got into your eye which you cannot get rid of.